Welcome to History 102! This course offers a broad survey of the history of the world from the late fifteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. Your instructors hope that you will find the course both instructive and challenging. This course website provides the main information you need about the organization and expectations of the course. Feel free to contact your instructors if there is anything you need to have clarified or explained.
Course Format
There will be two lectures per week (Mondays and Wednesdays 3:00-3:50). In addition, each student will attend a discussion tutorial every week. You should be prepared to discuss the assigned readings for the week during the tutorial hour. Occasionally you may be asked in advance to bring a brief written summary or evaluation of one of the assigned readings to the tutorial.
Required Readings
Students are asked to purchase a main textbook, three supplementary texts, and a small coursepack at the UBC Bookstore; for details, see “Required Textbooks.” Other required readings are available on this website under “Additional Required Readings.” The reading assignments for each week will be listed in the course handout and are also available on this website under “Lecture Topics.”
Two short papers will be due in the tutorial at specified dates during the first term. One longer paper will be due at a specified date in the second term. The due dates are indicated on this syllabus. You will be given detailed information about these papers long before they are due. The essay assignments will be distributed in class and will also be posted on the course website.
There will be examinations during the regular December and April examination periods. Please note that the examinations are scheduled by Enrollment Services, not by the course instructors. The December examination date will be posted in late October; the April examination date will be posted in late February. If the examination date will create a truly significant scheduling conflict for you, please contact the course instructor long in advance to discuss the possibility of an alternate examination time.